Bridging The Digital Divide
StarCard Sports Games is the first of its kind game platform that bridges the digital divide between real life athletes, at all levels, and brings their human performance related data directly into our RPG and managerial strategy style play-to-earn games. Our strategic partnerships with TapIn Mobile Solutions and Greenfield Leagues will offer us unprecedented access to athletes' data. Below are examples in which we bridge this divide:
Data added by refs and opposing coaches in the TapIn platform through post-match reports will be ported into SCSG gamers' avatars and player cards. For example, if a player receives an all-star vote on the TapIn platform, SCSG gamers will be able to see all of the associated soccer player's attributes increment up.
Crowdsourced stats data that is added into the TapIn platform also increments attributes up/down. This will enable parents, coaches, and fans of youth and amateur athletes to add statistics (shots, saves, etc.) in real time on the TapIn platform, and see that p2p validated stats data instantly impact the associated SCSG in game player cards' and avatars' attributes.*
Gamers that purchase in-game Palla “power-up” items will see their player cards' or avatars' attributes increment up. For example, if a gamer purchases a “Palla Sniper Ball” NFT in the game, this will increase the player's finishing ability. When purchasing the digital asset, gamers will have the option to simultaneously place an order for the identical physical Palla sniper ball. Gamers will be able to purchase a variety of NFT and matching physical apparel and equipment directly in game or from the NFT Marketplace. As part of our partnership with Palla, all SCSG token holders will receive a 10% discount on all Palla products.
Players will be able to attend a Greenfield training camp for assessment. SCSG token holders will receive a 10% discount on all Greenfield services. At these assessments, Greenfield staff will assess technical and athletic attributes and depending on players' performance, increment up each player’s attributes where he/she has strengths. This assessment is also updated on his/her TapIn profile. Greenfield camps are held in cities around the US. College coaches are allowed to attend these at no charge. Players will also be able to purchase other services, at a discount, and see their avatars and player cards increase in power and value.
*This means that a real life youth or amateur athlete using the TapIn platform can earn SCSG without even playing a SCSG game. By having a player card or avatar NFT in the SCSG ecosystem, a player's NFT may be signed "on loan" by an SCSG game player. This process results in "wages" being paid to the associated real life athlete in the form of SCSG tokens. Adding real life player stats increases the strength (attributes) of the associated NFT card or avatar, making the NFT more likely to be signed "on loan", and at higher wages by gamers in the SCSG game ecosystem. This process effectively digitizes human beings and their real world human performance and enables digital versions of themselves to earn income 24 hours per day 365 days per year. LEGENDS OF FOOTBALL New World Football Alliance hopes to be the digital home for many of football's greatest legends. These legends will have their own avatars in New World Football Alliance that look just like their physical selves. Furthermore, these legends will do periodic appearances at various locations in our metaverse. The legends will promote their appearances via their own social channels so that their biggest fans can come meet them in New World Football Alliance.
In order for a fan to enter a legend's location at the time of an appearance, they will have to buy a "ticket" which will be an NFT that has the legend's likeness on it. There will also be multiple tiers of NFTs for these tickets which will allow even greater access to the Legends Of Football. For example, the highest tiers of these tickets may allow fans to enter an appearance for any of the legends or chat one on one with a legend in one of our metaverse locations. In addition, the Legends may at anytime go into the game and teleport anywhere and interact with players and fans. They will be able to speak to people in their own voice, and they will even be able to sell signed NFTs to players and fans. Lastly, the Legends Of Football can challenge someone to a skill based game, and if successful, the player will win a legend NFT or SCSG tokens.
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